How bad is your spotify pudding cool
How bad is your spotify pudding cool

how bad is your spotify pudding cool

It’ll also make you play an unexpected game of ‘Fuck, Marry, Kill’ with three of your most cherished artists. The bot will cheekily ask if you were listening to certain songs ironically (his questioning of my listening to Mac DeMarco’s ‘Ode to Viceroy’ really hit hard).

how bad is your spotify pudding cool

Once granted access to your Spotify account, the bot goes through your listening behaviours and then discusses it with acerbic wit and searing honesty. The experience will be a huge comedown for any music snobs – and there’s a lot of ’em out there – who have always loudly boasted about how great their music taste is. Coming courtesy of the geniuses at The Pudding, the ‘How Bad Is Your Spotify?’ bot uses “sophisticated AI” to “judge your awful taste in music.”

how bad is your spotify pudding cool

Now a sneaky and snide AI bot has arrived and it’s ready to REALLY tell you just how bad your Spotify is.

How bad is your spotify pudding cool